Tips & Advice
How to Work From Home with a Cat
Managing your cat’s expectations can be tricky. They operate on their own schedule and when they’re ready for some attention, they expect that attention to be undivided. Who hasn’t had a cat walk in front of the zoom camera or lay down on the keyboard? This can make working from home with a feline companion a bit of a challenge.
6 Hazards to Protect Your Cat From This Fall
Fall is just around the corner, and with the onset of pumpkin spice and sweater weather comes a new host of seasonal hazards for your cats. From insects to hazardous chemicals, there are plenty of ways for your fur babies to get themselves into trouble.
How to Make My Cat Happy
Owning a cat can enrich our lives in so many ways. Cats offer companionship, make us laugh, and have even been shown to improve our health! (link to our post about health benefits of owning a cat). It’s only fair that we return the favor by providing our cats with everything they need to be happy and fulfilled.
Health Benefits of Owning a Cat
We all know how much joy our feline friends bring to our lives. But, did you know that owning a cat is also good for your health? It’s true! There is evidence that it is good for your physical health as well as your mental health.
How to Introduce and Maintain Your New Kitten’s Litter Box
Getting a new kitten is a special and exciting time. Less exciting is the prospect of litter training your new friend. Fortunately, cats make it pretty easy on us. Using a litter box aligns well with their instincts toward privacy, cleanliness and burying their waste.
How to Choose the Right Cat to Adopt
So you’ve decided to adopt a cat. Congratulations! Cat ownership can be an extremely joyful and rewarding experience. But before you get too far ahead of yourself, it’s important to do a little research. The most successful adoptions rely on finding a cat that’s a good match for your lifestyle, temperament and home.
How to Keep Your Cat Safe During the Holidays
The holidays are a time of wonder and joy for many families. But the holiday season can also bring a whole host of unexpected dangers for your feline friends. As you gear up to enjoy the season, make sure you’re aware of the hazards, so you can enjoy the festivities while keeping your cat safe.
What House Plants Are Safe For Cats?
If you’ve been a cat lover for any amount of time, chances are good that you already know that there are hundreds – HUNDREDS – of poisonous house and garden plants and flowers that can be dangerous for your cat. Some will make them behave strangely, some will make them sick, and some could actually be lethal. We know how scary it is to wonder if the plants you have are poisonous to cats.
How to Make Vet Visits Less Stressful for Your Cat
Let’s start with an important basic: how often do you take a cat to the vet? While you should always consult your vet on how often your cat should be seen, each year, it’s important to remember to take your cat to the veterinary clinic for his annual exam. The sooner veterinarians can detect medical problems, the sooner we can treat them, and the better for your cat! But, what if your cat gets nervous going to the veterinarian?
Is Wheat Cat Litter Better Than Clay Cat Litter?
These days, everyone’s looking for sustainable, planet-friendly solutions in their lives. Whether it’s the car you drive, the clothes you wear or the foods you eat, being environmentally responsible is at the top of more and more people’s lists. No surprise, then, that cat lovers are looking for ways to bring that same kind of eco-friendly lifestyle to their cat litter boxes – and even less surprising to learn that 100% natural, 100% renewable sWheatScoop is finding its way into more and more of those litter boxes.
Can You Really Flush Cat Litter Down the Toilet?
Flushing Cat Litter seems like a great idea. Less litter to haul down the stairs and out to the trash. Less waste that ends up in the landfill. However, there are several considerations to flush your litter in a responsible manner.
25 Safe House Plants You and Your Cat Will Love
If you’ve been a cat lover for any amount of time, chances are good that you already know…
Wheat Versus Clay – There is a Clear Winner
These days, everyone’s looking for sustainable, planet-friendly solutions in their lives…